Today is National spinach day . So what better day to talk spinach. Remember popeye the fictional character not the fried chicken . Spinach was landed on the map as a healthy addition to anyone's plate.
Spinach is a rich source of dietary fiber. Full of vitamins and minerals. It can help energy levels and is a beneficial antioxidant.
It's rich in minerals and contains magnesium, which is good for muscles,nerves, blood pressure, heart and a stronge immunity. Iron for energy and copper for red blood cell growth.
Spinach is rich in vitamins like A,C,E and K. These also strengthen the immune system , are antioxidants , healthy eyes and coat . Good for heart,bones and blow flow..
Spinach is very good for the eyes it contains soluble fibers like chlorophyll,zeaxanthin and lutein. The rich color of spinach shows the superfood is a powerful addition. These soluble fibers help analyze dark and light which is important in the eye site of older dogs and people.
Antioxidants, beta-carotene, iron, fiber all work together for a healthy GI track.
Spinach is also high in oxalis acid which can block the absorption of calcium , calcium is important for many body functions so feeding spinach is safe in small- normal dosages. Not everyday .If you and your dog have no trouble with oxalates ( which cause stones in the bladder or kidneys) there will be no problem processing small amounts of oxalates. Plus you would need a large quantity over a prolonged time to cause damage. For oxalates to turn into stones from spinach they need to be eaten with a lot of fat. So if your worried give spinach with a lower fat meal. Many foods contain oxalates. To help flush these out of your system drink lots of water, make sure your dog has fresh water available everyday. Eat the right amount of calcium and limit sodium and sugar.
It also contains quercetin which is good for allergies , protects against heart disease and cancer. It stabilizes the cells that release histamine. Which gives it a anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect on the body .
There's many ways we can eat spinach. For your dogs don't give it raw. Either stem it. Cook it in their bone broth, or break it up in a blender.