Why is roundup's ingredient Glyphosate still legal to use, because the countries dont care about anything other than money.
Argentina; Australia (in some states); Belgium; Bermuda; Bahrain; Barbados; Brazil; Canada (8 out of 10 provinces); Colombia; Costa Rica; Czech Republic; Denmark; El Salvador; Fiji; France; Germany; India; Italy; Luxembourg; Malta; Netherlands; Oman; Qatar; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Saudi Arabia; Portugal; Scotland; Slovenia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam; Austria. ( thank you to biodx.com)
Where on that list is UK apart from Scotland (a huge high five to Scotland) where on that list is US although l know some states have a ban. The Uk still use it because Glyphosate is on a 3 year extension as the UK's post- Brexit pesticide regulatory regime is developed Dec 25... because of what a back up in paper work ? So we can carry on using an otherwise banned product around the world that has studies and cases of killing/ makeing pets ill, having behavioural problems and humans too, I have watch people spraying this near a school bus stop in Florida on a windy day, to around the roads in UK not even wearing a mask themselves. I did ask to local park when he was cutting the grass if the machine was spraying and he refreshingly said oh no not here, nothing harmful no pestidices used. Not to mention the state of the earth and water ways, It takes a long time for something that is known bad for us to be offically bad for us. Dont stop when it's too late stop now, stop using glyphosate for the love of your pets, wild animals, your children and yourself. Puts a whole different meaning to buy british. To me a lovely grass is one that has wild plants, wild flowers let nature do its work, it does it better than you. Sometimes you wonder the plants that can help you heal yourself are the same plants that have been inbrained in us to remove as they look untidy, unkept . Lets take the Danilion . It helps polunate the bees. The long roots help give air to the soil and much needed nutritients . A lgarden of danilions Tuse to be a good thing and l think slowly it will be again.They are a great natural medicine. They are more nutritous than most of the vegatables we eat. This is just a few things and you wonder why something free would became something of disgust. Unless they sell the danilion in stores which then becames very expensive and somewhat trendy, teas, food, wine you name it. Just don't apreaciate it wild and free .The herbinces they use to kill these marvals are known to kill millions of wild birds each year. These hebinces are Glyphosates. I hate will do so much wrong that can be easily stopped.